Monday, January 9, 2012




If you’re the type of person that believes in resolutions then today is day nine of your diet! I gave up on resolutions a few years ago because they are usually impossible to live up to!

The usual resolutions are; quit smoking, find love, lose a lot of weight, etc. It's ridiculous!

The best way to go about it is to give yourself short term goals. If you’re a smoker you’re going to be more successful if you cut back on your smoking instead of trying to quit cold turkey as of Jan. 1st.

Same thing with losing weight. Don't go on a crash diet that's gonna fail in less than 30 days! Just try to watch what you eat and do a bit of exercise.

Instead of trying to find a mate before the next New Year's Eve ball drop why not date more and be more selective so maybe by the end of the year you may not be married but you'll have a solid relationship.
I think if you do things this way you won't feel like a loser!

I have some short term goals I want to accomplish as well. Just remember; "KEEP IT SIMPLE". 
Good Luck and may you have a successful productive new year!  


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